Sunday, August 15, 2010

Ironchef: Coconut Battle

We have just finished cleaning up after the epic success (and epic mess) that was our first Iron Chef battle (oh yes, there will be others). There were nine contestants in all, and the following contributions:
  • Prawn Skewers with Coconut peanut sauce
  • Coconut Rice
  • Salad with Coconut & Sweet Chilli dressing
  • Cashew, Miso & Coconut tartlet thingies
  • Fruit Salad with Coconut Yoghurt
  • Coconut Fondue
  • Black rice pudding with coconut topping
  • Coconut & Lime Cheesecake
Black Rice pudding with Coconut milk & toasted shredded coconut
Possibly the most inventive dish, however, was a whole unopened coconut and a soft drink straw. We’ll be saving that puppy for the house warming, when we move house in a few weeks time. I’ll be posting the full recipes for everything that was made – when people pass them on to me – but in the meantime, feast on these:

Lime and coconut Cheese Cake - as delicious as it is beautiful to behold.

Salad (with desiccated coconut); the coconut & sweet chilli dressing is just visible in the background.

The wine is not made from coconut - but note the remaining prawn skewers. Obviously I did not have these, but they got Girlfriend's vote for dish of the night.

Gorgeously sweet and indulgent: black rice pudding, with, of course, coconut - and vietnamese mint, of all things. Can't wait for the recipe for that one.

Fruit Salad & Coconut Yoghurt

Coconut fondue - there's a tealight in the hollowed out pineapple on which the bowl rests. Astounding what people can do these days.

Needless to say, fun was had, mess was made, and OldSpice Ads were watched on Youtube.

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