Monday, July 12, 2010

Cardboard Kitchen

Did I mention only one of our hot plates works? It's a pretty old piece of equipment, and the oven isn't all that great either. Unless you're cooking for two, and one of you likes burnt cheese and the other loves crunchy lasagne sheets, because this particular oven can cater for that. If you want evenly cooked food, however, not so excellent.

Just recently the microwave has learnt a new trick, which is to squeal like a banshee while it's cooking. Which girlfriend loves, because I get up at 5am to cook my porridge while she's still (trying to be) asleep. The wailing has been getting evermore urgent; I'm waiting for the door to explode off into the lounge room. Perhaps we should build a bunker, because I'm not giving up porridge dammit.

Porridge hints: buy the real stuff, not instant - it tastes better and is more filling, and someone told me it's better for you, but I don't know if that's true. I suspect it probably isn't. Anyway - before you go to bed serve a portion into a bowl with some hot water. When the water cools put it in the fridge, so next morning it's all soaky and soft. Having added milk, it takes me about six minutes of banshee wail the following morning to get it all cooked, but your microwave is probably better than mine. This morning I added sliced banana - a fruit which apparently contains happy drugs.

I'm pretty happy today, so perhaps there is some truth in that. Or perhaps it's just because I haven't been knocked out by a kamikaze microwave door yet.

-Cardboard Chef


  1. Bananas are also radioactive!

  2. Certainly explains way I glow in the dark now. Very handy, as my kitchen is badly lit and you cannot notrmally see anything on the bench if you are standing at the bench.
